Your 2021 festival armbands are on sale now!

The festival is planned to go ahead as usual in August. It won’t be exactly like normal since it will be held over a shorter period, with fewer gigs and fewer bands, but the quality of music and the overall atmosphere will still be absolutely tiptop! We believe that this new format will work really well, and it might well set the trend for the future.

Aren’t we taking a risk by starting to sell festival armbands now? 
Hällevik Trad Jazz Festival is not something that can just be thrown together at the drop of a hat! Bands have to be booked, licenses applied for and there are many other practicalities such as stages and the festival’s various locations that need to be taken into consideration. In short, it would be impossible for the festival to go ahead if we were to wait for a definitive ”ok”.
Yes, it could happen that restrictions prevent us from holding the festival this year too – what will be will be.  A definitive decision is promised for Friday July 2nd. Until then we live in hope and we are carrying out all our preparations the same as we would in a ”normal” year.

Who will be performing?
Well, amongst others, festival favourites such as Gunhild Carling, Jazz Five, the Second Line Jazz Band and the Björn Ingelstam Quintet. We can’t reveal the whole line-up here and now but, bearing in mind the state of the world at the moment, we’re sure you will appreciate that there will be a lot fewer performers jetting in from overseas, as would usually be the case. We‘ll be releasing more information in due course but for now, put your trust in the festival’s artistic council – they know what they’re doing! It’s gonna swing! What’s more, it pays to get the armband sooner rather than later as the current low price is only available till June 15th (special low price for members) and the number of armbands available is limited.

We’re REALLY looking forward to seeing you at the festival!

You can buy your festival armband here >>

Together we can help support the festival – Contribute via Swish

Take a look in the SUPPORTING THE FESTIVAL (KAMPANJ) section and find out how you can help to preserve the festival’s long-term future​.

We hope that you’ll find all the information about the festival that you need here – which bands are playing, the whole itinerary, transportation, accommodation, local services and anything else that you need in order to enjoy the festival as much as possible. Here you can also find information regarding the association that organises the festival – Jazz i Hällevik.

And don’t forget that we’re also on Facebook and Instagram which are both continuously updated with the latest news!

Would you like to help us?

Hällevik Trad Jazz Festival is organised by the non-profit organisation Jazz i Hällevik. We need as many people as possible to act as festival ”officials” before, during and after the festival, but primarily during the festival itself. This could involve looking after the bands, selling festival passes, helping out with transportation and much, much more. Officials do not get paid, but it is no coincidence that many of them return again and again, year after year. Quite simply, it’s a lot of fun!

Interested? Please contact